Sunday, March 14, 2010

Annoying Observation of the Week

Douche bag move: wearing your hands free device when you AREN'T driving.

I am in full support of the new laws that force drivers to use a hands free device while driving. If you are texting or talking on your phone when you are driving you are putting so many people at risk. It is such a dangerous and selfish thing to do.

However, as far as I know walking, shopping, eating lunch, sitting on a bench, watching a basketball game etc are instances where you could probably go without the hands free device...because YOU LOOK LIKE A DOUCHE BAG.

Seriously, this phemonenon is everywhere. I see people everyday walking around with these things in their ears, most of who are not even talking to anyone! They are just waiting for that call so they can click the little button on the side of their head.

My message to these people: You are NOT that important. Get over yourself and take that thing out of your ear.

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